Aus der Sicht von Experten:
Das ist die Zukunft von MOSFETs und IGBTs

Lesen Sie in spannenden Kurzinterviews mit Dr. Michael Zhuang von SilverMicro und Chip Brakeville von SemiQ mehr darüber! [2/3]

Der Markt befindet sich ständig im Wandel, so auch die Welt der im aktiven Bereich beheimateten MOSFETs & IGBTs. Eine optimale Vorbereitung und Beschaffung von Informationen ist daher unerlässlich. Welche Materialien werden in der Zukunft eine Rolle spielen? Wie wird der Markt in 5 Jahren aussehen? Diese und weitere Fragen haben wir den Kennern der Branche gestellt: 

  • Dem Gründer von SilverMicro, Dr. Michael Zhuang sowie
  • Dem Vice President Sales & Marketing von SemiQ, Chip Brakeville

Ihre Antworten haben wir nachfolgend für Sie in englischer Originalsprache zusammengetragen:

1 | What do you think the market for MOSFETs/IGBTs will look like in 5 years' time?

Dr. Michael Zhuang | SilverMicro:
»The IGBT market will show a CAGR of 7 to 10% in the next 5 years, even if the market recovery is still slow at the moment. In terms of application segments, EV chargers and BESS will have a CAGR of 30% and new energies will have a GAGR of more than 10%. On the other hand, motor drives and MHA will have a much slower growth rate.«

Chip Brakeville | SemiQ:
»I expect the SiC market to grow as companies realize the benefits. The price gap between SiC and IGBT’s has narrowed to a point where the system costs are cheaper and the benefits are too great to ignore. We are already seeing customers start the transition to SiC in their next generation platforms.«

2 | What exciting new developments can we expect from your company in the next few years?

Dr. Michael Zhuang | SilverMicro:
»First, SPARC's IGBT product line has been transferred from a module packaging company to an IDM company. Now SPARC's 1200V medium speed chip has started with MP. The 1200V high speed chip and the 650V medium speed chip will reach MP by the end of this year. IDM will help take SPARC's expertise in supply chain security, quality control and capacity utilization to a new level. Secondly, a brand new IGBT module production line of SPARC is already in operation and will reach a capacity of 3 million modules/year within CY24. In addition, SPARC plans to build two more new module production lines in the next two years, mainly for automotive and new energy applications. Third, SPARC's IGBT product line will focus on new energy applications in the coming years and announce innovative products to meet customers' needs.«

Chip Brakeville | SemiQ:
»We will be launching higher voltage MOSFET’s, new modules and newer more efficient products to meet market needs.«

3 | Which investments/precautions will best prepare customers for the medium-term future?

Dr. Michael Zhuang | SilverMicro:
»Over the past five years, there has been a lot of investment in the power semiconductor sector, including silicon, GaN and SiC products. Due to strong competition, many start-up companies are struggling to survive. It is foreseeable that there will be consolidation in the near future. Therefore, it is very important to carefully select or invest in the right supplier to reduce this risk.«

Chip Brakeville | SemiQ:
»Be aware of market dynamics. Demand can change quickly and LT’s could expand dramatically. Customers need to plan accordingly and place orders as far into the horizon as possible.«

4 | Which materials will play a role in the future and why?

Dr. Michael Zhuang | SilverMicro:
»The most important material for IGBT products is still the IGBT wafer, as it is a technology-intensive technology that requires a great deal of experience in development and extensive know-how in production.«

Chip Brakeville | SemiQ:
»SiC and GaN will play a larger role in the future as companies and governments mandate more efficient solutions. Whether it be upgrading the power grid, to charging solutions to solar, UWB products will make for a greener future.«

5 | Smaller, stronger, more sustainable? What is the focus of new developments?

Dr. Michael Zhuang | SilverMicro:
»It's about more sustainability. 
There are so many uncertainties in the future IGBT market and technology that we must always keep an eye on the risk.  In addition, the time to market for new products is also very important. 
We take a step-by-step approach to new developments. Based on our resources, we will develop the most suitable products with the highest efficiency.«

Chip Brakeville | SemiQ:
»Improved efficiencies using smaller die in more cost effective packages.«

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