MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) and IGBTs (Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors) are responsible for controlling electrical currents and voltages. As elementary components of power electronics, they enable the efficient conversion and use of electrical energy.
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Our Partners for MOSFETs & IGBTs
Discover Nanjing SilverMicro Electronics, one of the leading companies in the power semiconductor industry. In the Chinese industrial centre of Nanjing, our partner produces IGBT modules and develops IGBT chips for a wide range of applications.
Our partner GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc. is a leading supplier of SiC MOSFETs and Schottky diodes that has expanded its portfolio by investing in silicon. In co-operation with Navitas, who are at home in the GaN field, GeneSiC serves key applications in various sectors such as automotive, industrial and renewable energy.
For over a decade, SemiQ has been supplying industries such as solar energy, electric vehicle charging, automotive, medical technology and energy storage with high-quality SiC solutions for high-voltage applications. Its portfolio includes MOSFETs and diodes in the form of discrete devices, modules and bare dies that combine performance and reliability and significantly reduce energy consumption.